houghts become things. This is manifestly true. I am sitting on a chair right now.
It began as a thought in someone’s mind; every detail of it—the frame, the fabric, the curves, the color—was first a thought.
Thoughts become things. This is manifestly untrue.
I will never be a quarterback for the National Football League, no matter how earnestly I think about it. I will never be 16 years old again. I will never pilot the Starship Enterprise.
Between the ways in which thoughts become things and the ways in which thoughts can never become things is a wide middle ground.
Because we want to be able to create to the outermost limits of our thought, expanding our lives to the limits of our potential.
We want to be as happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, fulfilled, creative, and loved as possible.
However, we also don’t want to chase pipe dreams, thoughts that are never going to become things.
When we apply the rigorous standards of science to the inquiry, that middle ground turns out to be enormous.
Research shows us that with thought, used deliberately, we can create things beyond the ordinary.
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“If you’ve been wondering whether your thoughts really do affect your life, this marvelous book will make you a believer. From the level of the atom to the level of our bodies to the level of the galaxies, Dawson Church’s painstaking research shows that mind is profoundly creative. Synthesizing hundreds of studies in the fields of biology, physics, and psychology, he shows that moment by moment, the energy fields of our brains are literally creating reality. These insights can have a radical effect on your health and prosperity, and I highly recommend you apply them in your life.”
John Gray
#1 New York Times best-selling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
“As The Secret meets the scientist in Dawson’s work, the boundaries of what you’ve believed possible will be stretched far beyond your existing picture of reality.”
Jack Canfield
Coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup® series and featured teacher in The Secret